Workable is a website that allows users to post one job to its main site which will then automatically post to dozens of job boards without the work of manually doing so. It starts with a free trial and turns into a monthly paid service.
Their main goals were to get users to a) Create an account and b) Post a job
Note: For this example, Leads = Create an Account
Their Beginning Facebook spend/Month:0 Their Beginning Facebook Leads/Day:0 CPA: N/A
Our Starting Facebook spend/Month:$60,000 Our Starting Facebook Leads/Day:8 CPA:$250
Our Ending Facebook spend/Month:$60,000 Our Ending Facebook Leads/Day:25 CPA:$80
Keeping spend constant, we decreased CPA by over 300%.
We did this by running picture, header and footer tests to determine the best creative as well as testing different audiences and continually reallocating spend to the best-performing audiences.