Adwords Case Study: Payoff

Payoff is a credit card payoff and consolidation company. Their goal was increased leads while staying at their $200 CPA goal.

Note: For this case study, Leads = Approved loan applications, and SEM = Adwords & Bing

Their Starting SEM spend/Month:$30,000           Their Starting SEM Leads/Day:10    CPA:$100

Our Ending SEM spend/Month:$180,000          Our Ending SEM Leads/Day:35         CPA:$200

We tripled their daily lead volume by while holding CPA at their $200 goal, effectively growing SEM to be their highest volume, lowest cost acquisition channel.

We did this through continual keyword research and expansion, competitor research and targeting, as well as Gmail ads. Also contributing to increased volume at lower costs was our ad copy and landing page testing including new creative variations. The graph below illustrates how we doubled both CTR and conversion rate over time:

Payoff CTR & Conversion Rate over time